Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's A Numbers Game... Like Golf, the Lower the Better

It's been about five (5) weeks since my father's surgery and overall, he is still feeling okay.  He has been off the chemotherapy pill for about six (6) weeks now but has continued to take Fucoidan daily.  Since the completion of a successful surgery, there have been several follow-up visits with his Oncologist as one would expect.  Doctors have monitored his recovery progress and have indicated that all looks good so far.  Of course, bloodwork has been done and the early results are in...

Alpha-Fetoprotein marker reading continues to drop. If you have been following this blog, you will know that AFP originally started at around 297.  Since then, it has dropped consistently and is currently in the mid 80s.  As mentioned earlier, the only thing that he is taking at this moment is Fucoidan.

Owner of "Fucoidan-HealthWatch"


Website - www.Fucoidan-HealthWatch.com
Twitter - @FucoidanHW

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Healthiest People - Where Are They?

Have you ever wondered where the healthiest people live? Well, it definitely isn't within the United States, where a quick drive down the street would unveil a full host of fastfood chains on every corner.

According to one article from Planet Green, they list out "Seven Countries with the Healthiest People". Of the seven (7) countries, Japan & Okinawa have both made the list. In the article, it states the following:

"The World Health Organization (WHO) calculated the countries where people live to full health the longest and Japan topped the charts at 74.5 years. A large portion of this is due to diet." 

  • Fitness expert Harley Pasternak said, “They are the largest consumer of fish in the world and of whole soy and of seaweed and green tea".

  • "Okinawa is a Prefecture or sub national jurisdiction of Japan. However, it’s worth mentioning it separately because it’s widely believed to have the healthiest people on Earth. According to the Okinawa Centenarian Study, centenarian ratios may be the world’s highest at approximately 50 per 100,000 people. The country is also home to many super centenarians, people that reach the age of 110 years old. Okinawans attribute their not only long, but healthy, happy lives to eating tons of local fruits and vegetables, as well as large quantities of tofu and seaweed."

Looking further into this, I ran across the CIA's - World Fact Book , yes... the same CIA that you are accustomed to hearing about - The Central Intelligence Agency.  Their list shows Japan as one of the top countries on their "Country Comparison :: Life Expectancy at Birth". Obviously, this cannot be a coincidence.

So, other than exercise and seeing your doctors regularly... You may want to add fish and seaweed to your diet.  Eating seaweed as a direct product brings with it, the high level of salt that may be retained when harvested. However, you do have the option of adding Fucoidan to your diet.  A daily dose of Fucoidan via dietary supplements, is equivalent to somewhere around the ballpark of eating 1.5 - 2.0 lbs of seaweed.

So save yourself the time of eating massive amounts of seaweed and reap the health benefits by simply adding Fucoidan to your daily diet. Your body will thank you in the long run.

Are you ready to start reaping the health benefits from Fucoidan?

Owner of "Fucoidan-HealthWatch"


Website - www.Fucoidan-HealthWatch.com
Twitter - @FucoidanHW