Sunday, March 25, 2012

Another Round of Tests

It has been several months now since the last surgery and my father is due for his new round of tests. What's on deck is a blood test, brain scan, bone scan, MRI, CT scans.... Hopefully all is well and there are no evident signs of cancer.  We are all hoping for the best and praying that all the test will come back negative.

Note: The man pictured above is NOT my father...Just a picture I found on the internet

Alpha Fetoproteins have been slightly fluctuating but the Oncologist has not given any clear indication yet of whether or not chemotherapy pills are in order. My father is still taking Fucoidan and is able to sleep and eat regularly. So at this moment, it is yet another waiting game...

Owner of "Fucoidan-HealthWatch"

Monday, March 19, 2012

Going on 11 Weeks Now!!!

It has now been about 11 weeks since my father has stopped taking his chemotherapy pills. His Oncologist says that a good amount of progress has been observed and thus they will continue to monitor his AFP levels, but that he would not be required to go back onto the chemotherapy pills, until further notice.

He continues to take his daily dosage of Fucoidan and continues to feel "normal". So overall, that continues to be good news for ou family.

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